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Donny Burger 60% 10-OH-HHC Joint 2g

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Es entsteht ein Hauch von Käse, der schnell durch schwere, süße Funk- und erdige Untertöne ergänzt wird. Dieser einzigartige Auftakt verschmilzt mit dem reichen Aroma eines mittelscharfen Hamburgers, unterstrichen von einer süßen Dieselnote. Als Ergänzung zum Gesamtgeschmacksprofil finden wir auch starke Noten von trockener Kiefer, die für frische, natürliche Reinheit sorgen.

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Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

Donny Burger 60% 10-OH-HHC Joint 2g

10-OH-HHC is the hydroxylated form of hexahydrocannabinol (HHC). This process involves the addition of a hydroxyl group (-OH) to the HHC molecule that occurs in the liver. This chemical modification increases the stability of the compound and its interaction with cannabinoid receptors. Unlike THC, 10-OH-HHC offers a milder and more stable high, making it an appealing choice for those looking for a balanced cannabis experience.Known for providing a balanced and high content, 10-OH-HHC can improve mood and promote relaxation without excessive psychoactive effects. It is suitable for daily use and for those looking for a functional cannabis experience.

10-OH-HHC, shares some similarities with THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. However, there are significant differences:

Chemical Structure: Both 10-OH-HHC and THC have a similar basic structure, but the addition of a hydroxyl group in 10-OH-HHC changes its stability and effects.
Stability: 10-OH-HHC is more stable than THC, meaning it breaks down less quickly and maintains its potency over time.
Effects: Users often report that 10-OH-HHC provides a milder and brighter effect compared to THC. This makes it suitable for those who want the benefits of cannabinoids without the excessive psychoactive effects associated with THC.

Donny Burger

You get a whiff of cheese, which is quickly complemented by heavy, sweet funk and earthy undertones. This unique start melts into a rich aroma of a medium-spicy hamburger, underlined by a sweet hint of diesel. To complement the overall flavor profile, we also find strong notes of dry pine, which bring fresh natural purity.


Experience a unique world of relaxation and natural pleasure with Canapuff! We are a brand passionate about creating premium cannabis products for an unforgettable experience. Our flowers, joints, hashes and gummies combine superior quality with innovative approaches to take you on a journey of well-being and joy. Immerse yourself in the world of Canapuff and discover how cannabis can enrich your everyday life!


Product in accordance with Act §5 No. 167/1998. Intended for industrial, technical and horticultural purposes. Not intended for direct consumption or smoking. The product is subject to natural weight loss. No sale to under 18s. Keep out of reach of children.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: 10-OH-HHC Joints
Množství: 2g
Obsah 10-OH-HHC: 60%
Aroma: zemité, sýr, borovice

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